Display link
A display link is an easy-to-read addition to a site address. It lets users know which page they will visit by clicking on the ad. The maximum length of a display link is 20 characters (excluding the domain).
| Video tutorial.Links in your ads Watch video |
| Video tutorial.Links in your ads Watch video |
The display link is shown in the Yandex search results. Some ad unit formats in the Yandex Advertising Network also include a link that displays if it's placed in a unit.
You can add display links to “Unified performance” and “Text & Image ads” campaigns. If you leave the Display link field blank, the ad title will be used in the display link by default.
will automatically be created for “Dynamic ad” campaigns. You can't edit the link or control whether it is shown.
How to add a display link
You can add a link that displays when creating or editing an ad. The Display link field shows up automatically after you add a link to your website. You can use the field to enter your product name or user's search terms. You do not need to specify the domain. The maximum length of a display link is 20 characters (excluding the domain).
Display link text must consist of letters and digits. The language of display link text doesn't have to match the language of the domain. The following symbols are allowed: “ -
”, “ №
”, “ /
”, “ %
”, “ #
”. If you enter a space or the “ _
” symbol, it will be replaced with the “ -
” symbol. Any other characters will be deleted. If repeated, the following symbols will be replaced with one symbol only in each case: “ -
”, “ №
”, “ /
”, “ %
Make sure that the display link meets the moderation requirements. If the display link does not follow the guidelines, the moderator will reject it and it will not be shown in ads.
A display link can be used with templates. The part of the display link where you want to insert keywords should be marked on both sides with “ #
” symbols. If there is a space in a keyword, it will not be replaced with any symbols when inserted in the display link.
You can add display links to multiple ads using XLS/XLSX files, bulk updates, Direct Commander, or the Yandex Direct API.
To view click statistics for your title and display link, go to the Report Wizard and add the cross section. Learn more about evaluating campaign performance.