Request rides

In the Request ride section, you can request rides for company employees, clients and guests.

Attention. You can request a ride using your personal account here.

How to request a ride

  1. Go to the Request ride section.
    Other method
    In the employee's card, click the Request ride button.
  2. Enter the employee or guest's phone number and the pickup time.
    Note. Rides can be scheduled in advance (any time, any day) only from the account. Enter the local time where the ride will take place.
  3. Enter the pickup point (type in the address or find it on the map).
  4. Enter the destination address (not required). In this case, the fare will be shown upfront.

    You can also enter up to 5 stops on the route (click Add stop).

  5. Select a service class and the cost center.
  6. You can also select ride options (for example, a child safety seat) and enter instructions for the driver. Certain services may be for an extra charge.
    Note. You can save general instructions for all rides and orders in the Settings tab of the Company profile section.
  7. Click the Request ride button.

Then we'll text the employee or guest information about the car and driver, and they can see the ride request in the app. Employees can't change or cancel a ride on their own.

How ride prices are calculated

Current price information is available on the service classes page.

Prices are shown upfront in the app for iOS (version 3.50 and higher) and Android (version 3.15 and higher) when requesting rides.

The price is calculated based on the service class, distance to the pickup address, ride length, and traffic and weather conditions.

Upfront prices never go up, even if traffic conditions worsen or drivers have to take a different route than originally planned. The ride price is only recalculated if the passenger exceeds free wait time, changes the destination address, or asks the driver to make an additional stop.

Note. If no destination was entered in the request, the final price will be calculated once the ride is completed.

How to cancel a ride request

In the Request ride section, click Cancel ride and confirm the cancellation.

Other method
Find the current ride details in the employee's card, click Cancel ride and confirm.

Ride history

The Request ride section has a history of all ride requests: active, completed and canceled.

Each request card shows:

  • Ride status
  • Vehicle information
  • Driver information
  • Route stops
  • Ride date and time
  • Ride price

To see all ride requests, click them at the bottom of the page.

Check out the Reports section for more detailed ride information.