Zooma: Dragon

Zooma: Dragon

Մուտք գործելը հուսալիորեն կպահպանի առաջընթացը և հաջողությունները խաղում
Zooma: Dragon — Yandex Games
Խաղ Zooma: Dragon
Մուտք գործելը հուսալիորեն կպահպանի առաջընթացը և հաջողությունները խաղում

Խաղի մասին

Zooma: Dragon is a classic puzzle game in which you control a dragon and destroy balls moving along a chain by connecting identical balls 3 in a row. The game has several locations and hundreds of different levels that will not let you get bored.

Ինչպես խաղալ

The goal of the game is to destroy all the balls moving along the chain before they reach the hole. If one of the balls reaches the hole, the level will be lost. The controls in the game are simple: you need to tap the screen to shoot the ball in the desired direction. To shoot, you can choose one of two active balls. To do this, you need to click on dragon's , where the ball is spinning. Chains of balls of the same color (three or more) explode when they are hit by a ball of the same color, so carefully choose the ball and the direction of the shot.

Տեղեկություններ խաղի մասին

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22 հլս, 2024 թ.
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