Worldtrip Find the differences — Yandex Games
Խաղ Worldtrip Find the differences

Խաղ Worldtrip Find the differences

78Yandex Խաղերի Վարկանիշ
Խաղացողների գնահատականը

Խաղի մասին

Try to play the world-famous game of finding the differences. Run the level, compare two pictures and find all the differences. Use the hint to finish the round faster. When defeated, you will lose lives, so be careful! For you - beautiful pictures in high quality, a variety of topics, exciting tasks and bright comics featuring your favorite characters and new heroes. To start the game, use a browser, smartphone or tablet. For a more comfortable experience, you can open the game in full screen from a computer or zoom in on a mobile device. Simple and intuitive controls make the game accessible to all ages! Start playing online for free right now.

Ինչպես խաղալ

In our game, the user is asked to find the differences between the pictures. To complete the level, the player needs to find all the differences faster than opponents. If one of the opponents was faster, defeat occurs. Convenient control: play with the mouse on the computer, control the game with touches if you use a phone or tablet. Our games are optimized for any type of device. In order to see all the differences in detail, open the game in full screen mode on the browser or use the "zoom" function on your smartphone.

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14 հլս, 2022 թ.
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