Guess: Coin or Mimic

Guess: Coin or Mimic

Baronne Noire
برای ذخیره ایمن دست‌آوردها و پیشرفت بازی خود، با استفاده از نام کاربری‌تان وارد سیستم شوید
Guess: Coin or Mimic — Yandex Games
Guess: Coin or Mimic
با شروع بازی، موافقت خود را نشان می‌دهید با شرایط توافق‌نامه مجوز
برای ذخیره ایمن دست‌آوردها و پیشرفت بازی خود، با استفاده از نام کاربری‌تان وارد سیستم شوید

درباره بازی

Guess: Coin or Mimic is an exciting game that will test your intuition and reactions! In this game you have to guess whether the icon you choose is a coin or a mimic. Game Features: ❤ Variety of Memes: The game features a variety of memes that will cheer you up and make you smile. ❤ Competitive Mode: You can compete with friends and other players to see who can score the most points. ❤ Simple controls. The game is easy to learn and control, making it accessible to players of all ages. Don't miss the opportunity to test your luck and intuition in the game “Guess: Coin or Mimic”!

نحوۀ بازی

❤ Take a coin by pressing the green button. ❤ If you guessed correctly and chose a coin, you will get points. ❤ If you chose a mimic, then an unexpected surprise awaits you - a screamer with a funny meme! ❤ You can reset the coin by pressing the red button and try again if you think the likelihood of the mimic is too high.

اطلاعات بازی

رتبه‌بندی بر اساس سن
پشتیبانی مجوز
انگلیسی, روسی
جهت صفحه‌نمایش
تاریخ انتشار
۱۸ مهر ۱۴۰۳
ذخیره ابری
بازی برای شما