In terms of style, the game may resemble one famous game “Tiny Bunny”.
The game "Scary story: Don't Go outside" is a game with a unique plot, made in black and white style, which will tell you a story from the life of an 18-year-old guy. Something mystical happened on the most seemingly ordinary day of his life...
The game will keep you in suspense from the beginning to the very end and will be able to interest both children and adults with its plot.
The game may appeal to fans of visual novels and horror games. May also be of interest to people who like to read comics and manga.
The game has 3 acts, which are accompanied by characteristic music. The music reflects the anxiety of the current mood and conveys the situation to the player.
The game is for solo playthrough, but you can play it with a friend separately, so that you can later discuss it and share your emotions from the playthrough.
The goal of the game is to entertain yourself and satisfy curiosity, mainly with a stimulus that will be the answer to the player’s question “what will happen next?”
The gameplay is very simple and clear: you need to click on the screen so that dialogues and pictures replace each other in order to find out how it all ends.
The game has an exit button to the menu, from where the player can either start a new game or continue from the point at which he left the game or the main menu.